Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mom and Dad's Saturday Together

Mom and I decided to go for a drive today. We headed toward Jackson with our GPS on. The GPS said there was a museum in Jackson and you know how we like museums. When we got there to the museum it was closed until further notice so we headed to old town Jackson. We have always said we wanted to look in the little shops in these small towns and so we did. We spent about two or more hours looking and in one of the shops there was a brochure for caves and caverns in the area. We decided to go to Black Chasm Cavern which I had been to with Cam and the boy scouts years before.
It is increadible; you go down in the cavern about one hundred feet, to different rooms. There are all kinds of formations and this one even has underground lakes which you could see very little of. They point out that the formations look like a witch or a ice cream sundae and some of them you have to use quite the imagination. One of the formations look like a dragon and as a result they sell all kinds of gifts in the gift shop that appear to look like the formation or should I say what they think it looks like.
This cavern has one of the largest collection of helicites which are delicate formations that come out of the pours of the limestone and marble with a force (water pressure) that make them defy gravity. They don't go down but out in different angles See helicite in wikipedia).
The Picture is of Mom and I in front of a large curtain formation. We had a great time but forgot to bring the camera in the cave so I had to take it with my camera phone.

1 comment:

  1. As Etta and I were reading this entry I said, "Hey I went to those caves with Dad when I was a boy scout!" And it was funny to see almost those exact words written reading down a little further! That sure was a great place!
    However I went to so many caves as a boy I don't remember which is which!
